My Favourite ‘Ballet Tracks’ | Top 10

  1. Romeo & Juliet by Sergei Prokofiev

    Op. 64, Act 3 | The Last Farewell

    My absolute favourite piece of ballet music! After spending the night with Juliet, Romeo must leave to avoid being caught in her bedroom. This dance is their last farewell, for in the final act of the ballet, the next time that they reunite is in death. Therefore, it is a very romantic and poignant part of the ballet, and I think the music brilliantly illustrate this. It is completely unforgettable!

  2. Raymonda by Alexander Glazunov

    Act III, Variation 4

    Incredibly evocative and somewhat wistful, this variation appears in the final act of the ballet; ‘Le Festival des Noces’, or ‘The Wedding Festival’. It is danced by none other than Raymonda herself, who is the princess-bride. Due to the incredibly pared down orchestration and plaintive Hungarian elements, this surprisingly authoritative dance is one of the most memorable moments in the ballet.

  3. Petruchka by Igor Stravinsky

    Tableau | “La foire du Mardi-Gras”: Danse Russe

    My first favorite ballet track! Full of life, fun, and vigour, it truly captures the moment the puppets seemingly ‘come to life’. On hearing the the Magician’s magic flute, The Moor, the Ballerina, and Petrushka awaken and perform his lively and animated dance for the crowd at the Shrovetide Fair.

  4. The Haunted Ballroom by Geoffrey Toye

    Concert Waltz

    A far lesser known ballet that I only discovered through finding the piano music in a charity shop, which I now love. Short in length, it tells the tale of a family who are under a curse that will lead to their deaths. If they dance with the ghosts that reside in the haunted ballroom, they too shall become one of those ghosts constantly seeking out dance partners to lure toward the same regrettable end.

  5. Daphnis et Chloe by Maurice Ravel

    M.57 Première Partie. Un prairie à la lisière d’un bois sacré: No. 1, Introduction et Danse religieuse

    In a meadow on the edge of a sacred wood, the goatherds and the shepherdesses (including Daphnis & Chloe) have been offering gifts to the venerated sculptures of the Nymphs and the God Pan. Together, they unite in a beautiful dance that is enhanced by the magical sound world of the captivating orchestral and choral score.

  6. Cinderella by Sergei Prokofiev

    No.2, Op. 108: V. Cinderella at the Palace - VI. Grand Waltz

    A true fairytale moment, where the music is both magical and enchanting, capturing the magnificently transformed Cinderella arriving at the palace. Entranced by her beauty, charm, and grace, the Prince asks her to dance.

  7. Swan Lake by Pyotr Tchaikovsky

    Schwanensee, Op. 20, Act 1, No.2 Valse

    This ballet track brings me such joy; it really is Tchaikovsky at his best! Light-hearted, cheerful, and merry, it is the celebratory dance for Prince Siegfried’s twenty-first birthday, featuring much dancing between the courtiers before the story takes a tragic turn.

  8. Sylvia by Léo Delibes

    Act I: Faunes et Dryades (Scherzo)

    Charming and delightful, the woodland creatures dance in a sacred wood to worship Eros, the God of Love. A wonderfully gentle scene, before their ritual is disrupted by Aminta, a shepherd, and later Sylvia, a wood-nymph, and her posse of huntresses.

  9. The Firebird by Igor Stravinsky

    Ronde de Princesses

    In the original version of the ballet after the Firebird has escaped Prince Ivan, this scene depicts thirteen enchanted princesses entering Koschei's enchanted garden to play catch. Prince Ivan falls in love with the youngest and introduces himself to her. Together, with the twelve other girls, they perform a slow khorovod, which is an old Russian circle dance. New choreography doesn’t always feature this scene and yet the music is still used, hence why the title of this scene may not always align with what is seen on stage.

  10. L’Après-Midi D’un Faune by Claude Debussy

    Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune

    Ethereal and enchanting, this prélude is instantly recognisable and undeniably captivating. As the curtain rises, a faun is lying on a rock playing his pipe. Nymphs appear, and he observes them before approaching. All except one flee in fear. He grabs her and they dance for a time before she moves away, dropping her veil at his feet. Carrying it to his rock, he lies on the scarf in an act of love.

Spotify Playlist:


The Golden Ratio & The Fibonacci Sequence


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