What stories do we tell ourselves?

When it comes to our thoughts, much of their content is simply stories that we tell ourselves, based on external observations that we have made from our own perspective of the world. Other people could have the same or similar experiences, but draw different conclusions based on their own individual perspective, and therefore tell themselves different stories that lead them to different results.

We tell ourselves stories about the way we look, the way we behave, what we are good at, and what we are not so good at. Although, there may be evidence for these claims within our external reality, it does not mean that they cannot be changed.

We also tell ourselves stories about the world- what is possible, what is not possible, what opportunities are open to us, what can change and what can’t. We place limits where there doesn’t have to be a limit. It is only our inability to see past a certain point makes us believe in these barriers, and feel as though we are trapped somehow.

Of course, when it comes to universal law, there are some rules we are obliged to follow, such as understanding that every cause has an effect (Law of Cause & Effect). For example, if we think, say, or do, one thing, we can expect to receive its corresponding consequence at some point. Yet, these laws when followed can be used to our advantage, towards expanding our life rather than limiting it.

Therefore, if we believe that to think, say, or do something is the cause of the effect that is our lives, surely the first step towards changing the effect is to change the cause. So, by changing our words, thoughts, and actions, towards a more positive, constructive, and motivated end, we can transform our world.

If we changed the story that we told ourselves, we could change our reality.


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Anne Brigman | Photographer