
A New Generation Of Artists | Part 4
If our new generation of artists truly were rebels of their time, what exactly would they encompass? These are the five things I would aim to inhabit and express on this journey.

A New Generation Of Artists | Part 3
“Romanticising the plight of the former artists, and wearing their suffering as a costume just won’t cut it anymore. We have our own problems that we need to fight in our own way.”

A New Generation of Artists | Part 2
A certain silence has fallen across the artistic industries of our day. Fear has permeated every corner with few choosing to stand up for something bigger than themselves, choosing instead to watch their own backs. But how long can this last? Soon the riskless will realise that their silence can only protect them for so long.

A New Generation Of Artists | Part 1
“Newness should not be feared, for nostalgic art will never be era-defining, and likely will not be remembered with the same enthusiasm as the distinctive works of the past.”

The Nettle Dress | Allan Brown
A beautiful documentary that follows a man named Allan Brown on his seven year journey to make a dress entirely out of nettles, by hand, using traditional techniques.

Can You Plan Creativity?
I find that it is the time away from my desk that yields the best ideas…
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