Poem: The Man With A Thousand Faces

There is a man with a thousand faces.
Standing in my heart.
He’s made his home within the dome
Of my right atrium, apart…

From all my other dreams and wishes,
Hopes and longings too.
Instead he’s found this cosy room
That gives him the best view.

Inside he has an easy chair
To sit in as he waits.
A pile of books and a bottle of wine,
A sketching pad to pass the time,
A lamp for when it’s late,
While he’s pondering his fate.

He’s been there quite a while now,
For as long as I can recall.
Since I developed my first crush
On that boy I met at school.

For a while they both looked the same
Until my heart withdrew.
And as I went from crush to crush,
His wardrobe of faces grew.
And that was when I knew…

I didn’t love these boys and men
That came across my path.
Instead I was looking for something else
That matched what was in my heart.

The man with a thousand faces
Reflected what I’d need.
A kindly hand, a gentle kiss,
A warm embrace that I would miss.
Safe, secure and seen.

I never needed to find the man
For it was always just us two.
I just had to know his face
So I could find what’s true…

And that’s when I met you.


Ballet Composer Profile: Sergei Prokoviev | Part 1


Ballet in Britain: 1910-1939