Poem: Looking Glass

Odd thing, a Looking Glass- bares a copy of ourselves.
The one we groom, enhance, refine; although it’s just a shell.
Odd thing, a Looking Glass- shows us only how we look,
But underneath our feelings swell, in fear of being mistook.


          Don’t worship your Looking Glass, for they are masters of deceit.
They have a knack to trick and trap, eccentricity.
Worship your Looking Glass and there is a chance you’ll lose
Sight of all the kindness within the friends you choose.


If you need a paragon to validate your worth,
It’s in the eyes of people where you should start your search.
Do they ever twinkle or glimmer when you’re near?
Or are you a proficient architect in the manufacturing of tears?


The world is our Looking Glass, reflecting what we do.
You can see it in the oceans; the sky shifting blue.
The world is our Looking Glass, see what we have done?
In all our cruel and callous acts, loneliness has won.


There is a great importance in remembering to care,
To banish all one’s selfishness and always learn to share.
Don’t close your eyes to horrors, or run away and hide,
If a mirror showed you deep within, would you be happy with what you’d find?

“A poem I wrote as part of a composition I created for solo dance and mixed ensemble"
Sylvia Villa (2019)


Freedom vs. Methodology


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